Thanks to our wide expertise in many business intelligence projects we help you improve your management information.
We analyze your data environment and pinpoint any bottlenecks and areas of improvement. The CoolBI analysis delivers a clear view of the quality of your information environment enabling you to define pragmatic next steps. In addition, we also look what the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) means for you and what its impact is on your information environment.
Without vision it is difficult to navigate. CoolBI has delivered several Vision & Strategy plans for data management environments at various client sites. We look at how improvements can be realized in a pragmatic way and step by step. We clearly formulate this in a PID or program plan with clear roadmaps, so you know where you are navigating to.
Succesfull implementation of enhancements in the area of data quality, management information, analytic reports and data information management requires the right insights based on extensive amounts of experience.
CoolBI gained the right technical as well as program and project management (Prince II/PMBOK, DMBOK) experience to help improve your management information and business intelligence processes. In addition, CoolBI is certified TOGAF 9.1 for the technical support and architecture and is more than well experienced with agile, devOps and scrum applications.